CICCIO Gallery 2008_05_20
sewn pieces of nylon in the shape of either a torpedo, or a sphere or a
donut, then a small blower, a computer, few sensors, a projector, an
optimistic look at the future, the desire to experiment and then here
we are! CICCIO or the Curiously Inflated Computer Controlled Interactive Object.
is light, inflatable, transportable, white, neutral, bright, coloured,
projected; it has been hung and laid down and it has been used either
as vertical or horizontal space; we've made it in the shape of a donut,
a torpedo and sphere; we've built it in Ivrea but then we've inflated
it in Rome, Florence, Milan, Turin, Genoa, London, Bankok, Beijing,
Venice and the next one will be in Lille.
is totally an opensource platform that everyone can use, copy, modify,
distribute in order to learn how to teach; to learn how to learn both
space and interactivity; to learn how to make a fast prototype of
spatial interfaces; to learn how to experiment simple technologies that
in the next future will be implanted in our quotidian living
environment: houses, shops, square, cities.
CICCIO is a teaching experiment born in May 2003 at [ Interaction Design Institute Ivrea ]where some students and professors started to collaborate for an architectural competition called EUROPAN 7.
Aprile, Dario Buzzini, Eyal Fried, Daniele Mancini and Stefano Mirti
have been working togheter since the beginning. Then many others
started to contribute to the development of the platform designing many
different projects based on CICCIO: Giovanni Cannata, Line Ulrike
Christiansenn, Karmen Franinovic, Sergio Paolantonio, Anurag Sehgal,
Luther Thie, Andreea Chelaru, Ben Dove, Noel Perlas, Thomas Stovicek,
Luca Poncellini, Matteo Pastore, Britta Boland, Francesca Sassaroli.
as teaching platform has been used to develop thesis projects,
prototypes and many interactive installations. All of them are
documented on the CICCIO_WIki at the page http://www.interaction-ivrea.it/ciccio.
[ Link alla versione italiana ] |

An interactive experience of a virtual flight over Tuscany takes place
in an inflatable environment made of white nylon material (CICCIO).
Interaction-Ivrea will transport to the Geography Fair event in
Florence, a CICCIO (curiously inflated computer controlled interactive
object). Inside the CICCIO there will be an interactive system based
upon radio tag technology, which produces projections on the external
walls of the inflatable structure. This projection will be also visible
from the inside.
Project by: Daniele Mancini and Francesca Sassaroli
- Gallery of Images
A+U, n.420, september 2005, Japan, Italian Metamorph
read the pdf
Passajes de Arquitectura y Critica, n.69 2005, Spain, Espacio Domestico
read the pdf
Parametro, n.260, Dicember 2005, Italy, Progetti Automatici
read the pdf
Net.it, Italy 2005
read the pdf
Fast forward Hot Spot Brain Cell, Beijing 2005
read the pdf
> Usman Haque
> Raby + Dunne
> Crispin Johns
> Elio Caccavale
> Christian Moeller
> Diller + Scofidio
> Casey Reas
> Auger-Loizeau
> Flatlandia
> Klein-Dytham
> Antenna Design
> Clement Mok
> Josh Rubin
> Electronic Shadow
> plusminuszero.jp
Open Source / Global Tools
> Open Source Architecture
> Usman Haque Open Source
> Open Source City
> Alzado Project
> pacmanhattan.com
> temporaryservices.org
> global.yellowarrow.net
> urbanmessages.net
Do It Yourself
> Inflatocookbook
> Instant Soup
> Wiring
> Air Air Archives
> Air Air Show
> AKAirways
> Monica Foster Cloud
Simple Technology
> Yona Freidmann
> Web Museum of Simple Tech
Radical Housing
> Martin Ruiz de Azua
> Rackowitz
> Le Cabanon
> Blower
> Neon Light
> Projector
> Computer
> Table of plexiglas
> Videocamera
> Digitalcamera
> RF ID Tags Sys
> Elium and Balloons
> Transparent cylinder
> Strips
> Postcards
> Audio System
> Leds
> Processing
> I / O Board and Wiring
> Storage boxes
> Flexible Aluminum Poles
> Scaffholding Structure
> Fishing Wire
> Cubes
> Sockets
> Breadboard
> Mobile Phone
> Portable Termosolder
> Scissors
> Vacuum packaging machine
> Typewriter machine
> Pallet
> Electroluminescent Film
> Plexiglas
> Material pixels
> Termosensible paper
> Talponia Facade
> Toolbox: the whole set |
inspired impromptu performances by passerby at Fiera delle Idee (Ideas
Fair) held on November 2004 in Turin. The piece included placing booths
beneath a canopy of colored lights in front of the town hall.
CICCIO designed by: Francesca Sassaroli (Cliostraat) & Daniele Mancini(CICCIO Group)
- Official Press Release @ Informagiovani Comune di Torino
- Gallery of Images

CICCIO as Children Workshop Space . "The workshops deliberately employ
a low tech approach and is based around the theme of comunication.
Starting from a simple activity like drawing their own portrait, the
kids are confronted with different technologies; from the pencil to the
computer (passing through a whole series of different tools) "
CICCIO designed by Matteo Pastore & Francesca Sassaroli (Cliostraat)
Children Workshops Curated by Tal Drori , Milena Maccaferri, Michal Rinott with Ivan Gasparini.
Interior furnishings by Stefano Testa (Cliostraat).
- Gallery of Images
An interactive, inflatable environment into which to enter, look, touch and try out. After Milan and Florence,
the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea departs for China, to the first
Architecture Biennale in Beijing. New media projects have been
presented in the heart of Tien An Men!
Installation based on CICCIO by: Walter Aprile, Daniele Mancini, Stefano Mirti, Matteo Pastore, Luca Poncellini
- Gallery of Images
The Inflatable Portable Museum becomes the Intercative Portfolio of the
most recent projects by students, reserchers and professors at
Interaction Design Institute Ivrea. This new versione is a vastly
improved CICCIO, made in fireproof fabric, with a heavier canvas floor
and stiffened with fiberglass rings. Visitors enter and explore a
fascinating jugle of coloured and weaving interactive stripes.
Installation based on CICCIO by: Walter Aprile, Daniele Mancini, Stefano Mirti, Matteo Pastore
- Wiki Documentation Page
- Gallery of Images
The Portable Museum Kit is an inflatable interactive system for
collecting, documenting and presenting in an exhibition the experience
of travel through particularly meaningful objects. The kit is a set of
instruments packed in a custom designed white travel bag. Radio
Frequency Identification tags (RFID tags) allow each object to store
and release upon demand selected visual or acoustic memories.
Master Thesis Project based on CICCIO by Daniele Mancini (Italy)
- Wiki Documentation Page
- Gallery of Images
We can leave tracks behind us through an "audio imprint", just by going
into the stomach of Ciccio, an inflatable fabric tunnel, and activating
one of the microphones that are ready to record and broadcast whatever
we like, in a sort of melodic loop: it may be a raucous noise, a short
poem, an exclamation or a smacking kiss.
Project based on CICCIO by: Andreea Chelaru (Romania), Ben Dove (United
Kingdom), Noel Perlas (Philippines) and Thomas Stovicek (Canada)
- Gallery of Images
- Video Interview
Painting digital pictures by throwing rubber pebbles against an
inflatable equipped with suitable sensors. The shape and size of the
pictures depend on the intensity and the way in which you throw the
pebble. The same operation can be repeated several times, using
different colours, enabling you to create your own graphic.
Project based on CICCIO by: Giovanni Cannata (Italy) and Anurag Sehgal (India)
- Gallery of Images
- Video Interview
Symbolic House is an exploration in using the Ciccio as a platform for
interactive reactive sound and video space, authenticity issues related
to mental projections of the self onto the other, the everyday home
objects invested with memory that evoke emotions associated with our
use of domestic space.
Project based on CICCIO by: Daniele Mancini (Italy) and Luther Thie (USA)
- Wiki Documentation Page
- Gallery of Images
- Videoclip
In November 2003 Interaction Ivrea (IDII) designed the launch event for
Cluster, a bilingual Torino based magazine that focuses on innovation
in all its forms. The event took the shape of a large party inside the
Mole Antonelliana in Torino, where IDII installed an airborne
projection screen, interactive inflatable modules (CICCIO) and the
face2face2face project.
Projects by: Stefano Mirti, Walter Aprile, Sergio Paolantonio, Line Ulrike Christiansenn, Giorgio Olivero, Yaniv Steiner,
Mathias Dahlström, Massimo Banzi.
- Wiki Documentation Page
- Gallery of Images
Video by Simone Muscolino
download small QuickTime Movie - 5.09 MB
download medium QuickTime Movie - 20.5 MB
October 2nd 2003: INTIMACY opens in Florence at Spazio Alcatraz and
Ospedale degli Innocenti. The exhibition in Spazio Alcatraz features 19
schools and 51 architects from all over the world. The photograph
presents one of the inflatable interactive environments developed for
the show.
Project based on CICCIO by:
Dario Buzzini, Massimo Banzi, Stefano Mirti, Walter Aprile, Britta Boland,
Daniele Mancini, Line Ulrike Christiansenn, Karmen Franinovich, Eyal Fried.
- Wiki Documentation Page
- Gallery of Images
We were invited by Marialuisa Palumbo to join the workshop in Reggio
Calabria with the students from Corso IFTS 'Esperto dello sviluppo e
dell'utilizzazione di tecnologie interattive e multimediali e tecniche
di ritocco fotografico' . The inflatable contained a marine
environment; sea themed projections and the blue glow were playfully
aided by the inflatable dolphin.
CICCIO Workshop by: Walter Aprile, Eyal Fried, Stefano Mirti
- Wiki Documentation Page
- Gallery of Images
In May 2003 we took part in a competition for architects called
EUROPAN7. Our proposal was an inflatable prototype for an innovative
living unit: the first CICCIO!
Team: Walter Aprile, Dario Buzzini, Line Ulrike Christiansenn, Karmen Franinovich, Eyal Fried, Daniele Mancini, Stefano Mirti
- Wiki Documentation Page
- Gallery of Images
- Article on www.architettura.it
(Istituto Nazionale di ARCHitettura) is an architecture research and
education institute in Rome. They kindly invited us to do a two-day
workshop within their master's program , Lo spazio in-forme . We brought a CICCIO and a prototype of part of DanieleMancini 's thesis work.
This was the basic technology we were offering, and the students chose
to organize an event that would take place in the CICCIO, a dinner were
each of them would bring some specific food that he felt was very
meaningful to him.
Workshop by: Walter Aprile, Daniele Mancini, Stefano Mirti
- Wiki Documentation Page
- Gallery of Images

the tropical sky of Bangkok, the last project by the Bangkok
Superlover: an installation with 172 CICCIOs, 156 sources of light and
just a 40.000 euro of budget.
based on many CICCIOs by: Rachaporn Choochuey, Narong Othavorn,
Piyapong Bhumichitra and Nattaya Chaiwanakupt (Bangkok Superlover)
- Contact Bangkok Superlover
- Gallery of Images

Link to:
- Parametro, n.260, Dicember 2005, Italy - read the pdf
- Toolbox: the whole set